Proper Homes Platform - Privacy Policy

    1. General
    The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to delineate and regulate how the information and details shall be used of any party ("the User") who utilizes in any way the Proper Homes website ("the Platform") which has been developed and is managed by Proper Homes Ltd ("the Company ").
    By using the Platform the User shall be deemed to have agreed to the contents of the Privacy Policy as set forth in this document. If you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy then you are requested to refrain from using the Platform.
    This document applies to both women and men and is written in the masculine gender for reading convenience only.

    2. The information gathered
    When registering for and opening an account on the Platform the User must provide personal details, including his given name, surname, identity card number, residential address, electronic mail address, telephone number and any additional information which the Company shall require from time to time, and when using the Platform he shall be required to provide details about the properties displayed by him on the Platform as well as if necessary his credit card and bank account details. It is clarified that by giving his personal contact information, the User shall be deemed to have consented to being contacted through any relevant media available to the Company. It should be noted that while according to law the User is not obliged to give his personal details, should he choose not to do so where they are required in order to register for or use the Platform, the User shall be precluded from using the Platform, the content displayed on it or the services and products being offered through it. By submitting the details as aforesaid, the User gives his consent to the storing and processing of the said information by the Company (and if necessary its inclusion in the Company's database) and it shall be used in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
    In addition, when using the Platform, the Company automatically gathers information and data about the User and his activity on the Platform, such as the details of his mobile phone and/or Internet service providers, the scope and times of the User's connection to the Platform, the IP address of the computer through which the User accessed the Platform, the type of browser and operating system used by the device in which the Platform is installed, the location of the device during use of the Platform by the user, the Platform content viewed by the User and other details which show how the User utilizes the Platform. It should be noted that as a rule, this information is analytical information which does not identify the User personally and is not stored together with his personal details. By using the platform, the User agrees to the said analytical information being gathered, stored and processed by the Company and to its use in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

    3. The use made of the information
    The information stored by the Company, whether personal information about the Users or analytical information as aforesaid, is used by it for, inter alia, the following purposes: (a) the proper operation of the Platform, viewing the content displayed on it and use of the services and products offered through it; (b) improving, bettering and enriching the content displayed on the Platform and the services and products offered through it (including their alteration, removal, updating or upgrading); (c) sending notices to users (including those containing an offer or the response to an offer by the Company regarding properties displayed on the Platform, invoices and receipts from the Company, requests for identification or provision of further particulars by the User, and ongoing contact with the Platform's users); (d) forwarding the information to third parties who collaborate with the Company for the purpose of operating the Platform (including the Platform's payment clearance services provider); (e) any use of the information required in order to comply with the provisions of any law.

    4. Information security
    The Company does everything reasonably within its power and utilizes standard technological and organizational security measures in order to preserve and protect the privacy of the Platform's users against the exploitation, loss or destruction of and unauthorized or unlicensed access to the information gathered by it about the users. However, the Company does not guarantee that the Platform's security systems shall be absolutely invulnerable to unauthorized access to the information stored on it. Therefore, the Company shall not bear any responsibility for the penetration or hacking of the Platform and/or the unauthorized accessing or use of the information gathered by it.

    5. The Company's database
    As aforesaid, information furnished by or gathered about the User within the framework of his use of the Platform, may be stored by the Company, including in the database owned by the Company and which it uses for the purpose of the Platform's activity.
    It should be noted that under the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981, every person is entitled to inspect by himself, through an agent authorized by him in writing or through his guardian, information about him which is stored in a database. A person who inspected information about himself and found it to be incorrect, incomplete, unclear or out-of-date, may ask the database owner to correct or delete the information. Should the database owner deny that request he must inform the applicant of this in the manner and way prescribed in the regulations. The person requesting the information may appeal to the court against the database owner's refusal to facilitate inspection and a notice of refusal to correct or delete information, in the manner and way prescribed in the regulations.
    It is clarified that where deletion of information is requested, the Company may in its sole discretion demand as a condition for deleting that information that the User not utilize the Platform. In any case, the User's continued use the Platform, including after his request for deletion of the information was transferred, shall constitute approval of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, the continued retention of information about him by the Company, and the use of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. It is further clarified that the Company may continue to store information in the database which it requires in order to conduct its enterprises, even after receiving the request to delete the information about the User.

    6. Cookies
    The Platform uses "Cookies", which are text files sent to the device on which the Platform is installed and through which analytical information about the users is gathered for the purpose of the ongoing and proper operation of the platform, customizing the Platform's content to each user's personal preferences, simplifying his use of the Platform and enhancing his experience of using it. The User can block or delete the Cookie files at any time by changing the definitions in the browser in the device on which the Platform is installed. However, should the User choose to do so then some of the actions on the Platform may not function properly without the possibility of accepting Cookie files, and the User's personal details may not be stored on the Platform and he shall be required to reenter them when reconnecting to the Platform.

    7. Transfer of information to third parties
    החברה לא תהיה רשאית להעביר מידע שנאסף על ידה אודות מי מהמשתמשים בפלטפורמה לגורמים שהינם חיצוניים לחברה מבלי שהתקבלה הסכמת המשתמש הרלבנטי לכך מראש, אלאThe Company may only transfer information gathered by it about any of the Platform's users to parties external to the Company without obtaining the relevant user's prior consent in each of the following cases (while it is clarified that the authority of such parties to use and process the information is limited to the purpose for which the information was transferred to them): (a) Should the Company determine in its discretion that the transfer is needed for the proper operation of the Platform and in light of the Company's business relationships or collaborations with third parties relating to the operation of the Platform, the content displayed on it and the services and products offered through it (including for the performance of clearance services for payments made to the Company, customer services or technical support services for users, and bookkeeping, auditing services and cloud data storage services for the Company); (b) Should the Company decide, in its sole discretion, to display a user's property in the Company's social network accounts; (c) Should the Company determine that the User has violated the provisions of this Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use of the Platform or that, in its judgment, the transfer is required in order to protect the Company's legitimate rights or interests; (d) Should the Company determine, in its discretion, that the transfer is necessary in order for it to comply with legal requirements (including for the purpose of managing the Company's books, complying with a court order or a demand by a competent authority, conducting proceedings between the User or his representative and the Company, discovering or preventing the commission of a crime, damage to property or a personal injury); (e) Should the Company merge with another corporation or transfer its operations to another corporation which shall undertake to observe the provisions of this Privacy Policy or shall assign, endorse or transfer its rights or obligations towards the Platform's users to a third party who shall undertake to observe the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
    In addition, the Company may transfer to third parties who are connected to the real estate field and whom the Company shall enter into contracts with from time to time, information and contact details of users who have given their consent for it to do so in order to enable those third parties to send them various marketing and advertising offers. A user who consented to the forwarding of his details to third parties may at any time notify the Company that he no longer wishes to have his details passed on to the third parties as aforesaid.
    It is clarified that the Company may forward statistical information to third parties about the users and their activity within the framework of the Platform, which shall not identify the users personally.

    8. Direct mailing
    The Company may from time to time send the User by phone, SMS, electronic mail, social networks or via any other media, information regarding the use of the Platform, the content displayed on it and the services offered within it as well as marketing and advertising information (including advertising material as that term is defined in the Communications (Telecommunication and Broadcasts) Law (Amendment No. 40), 5768-2008), professional material, updates, notices and various offers for the purchase of products or services of the Company or of third parties connected to the real estate field whom the Company shall enter into contracts with from time to time, based on the information which it has in its possession. It is clarified that this information shall be sent to any user who is registered for the Platform and as long as he has not notified the Company that he wishes to delete information relating to him or stop receiving certain information in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, but should he choose not to receive certain information which is necessary in order to use the Platform, the User Make shall be precluded from utilizing the Platform, the content displayed on it or the services and products offered through it.

    9. Links to third party websites
    The Company may display links on the Platform to websites and/or information sources and/or products and/or services provided by third parties whom the Company shall enter into contracts with from time to time.
    It is clarified that the User's use of such websites and/or information sources and/or products and/or services is not subject to the provisions of the Platform's Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy, and the use, including information that may be gathered about the User as a result thereof, is subject to the privacy policies of the said third parties. It is emphasized that the Company shall not be responsible in any way for such third party links displayed on the Platform, their content and the products and services provided by those third parties, and the User hereby relinquishes any complaint and/or demand and/or claim against the Company in this regard.
    In addition, use of social networks (such as Google and Facebook) for the purpose of connecting the User to the Platform is subject to the privacy policies of those social networks. It is clarified that connecting to the Platform through a social network user account shall enable the Company to access the basic information in the social network profile, subject to the limitations imposed on the third parties which operate the social networks as aforesaid.

    10. Changes to the Privacy Policy
    The Company reserves to itself the right to change, supplement or remove provisions of this Privacy Policy from time to time at it shall in its sole discretion see fit. The binding and determining version of the Privacy Policy is the prevailing version on relevant date on which use of the Platform was made by the User.

    11. Miscellaneous
    This Privacy Policy has been divided into headed paragraphs for the purposes of reference and convenience only and should not be used to interpret this Privacy Policy. In this Privacy Policy, the terms "including" or "inclusive" mean "including, inter alia" and the singular form of a word shall be deemed to include its plural form and vice versa, all as the case may be and unless expressly stated otherwise.
    The laws of the State of Israel (barring the international rules of dépeçage prescribed therein) only shall apply to this Privacy Policy. The competent courts in Tel-Aviv shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate any issue or other matter relating directly or indirectly to this Privacy Policy.
    Wherever in this Privacy Policy the Company is granted any competency, right or authorization, the Company may choose in its sole discretion whether to exercise that right, competency or authorization. The nonuse of any right, competency or authorization by the Company shall not constitute a waiver of that right, competency or authorization.
    Should the competent court declare a provision of this Privacy Policy to be unlawful or invalid, that term shall be replaced by a lawful and valid term which preserves in so far as possible the purpose and meaning of the original term and its cancellation and/or alteration shall not prejudice, derogate from or affect the legality or validity of the remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy.

    12. Contact
    The User may forward any question or query relating to the information about him which the Company has in its possession, or a complaint, if he believes that his privacy has been infringed in any way as a result of the information which the Company has gathered about him, to the Company at: [email protected].

    Last updated: January 2022